Progress Track list

  • what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
  • what's working? what's not?
  • what questions need to be resolved?
  • what will happen when?
  • what have you learned?
  • Introduction

    This is the week of progress monitoring and putting a final touch to the final project. so I have to simplify my design as much as possible to meet deadlines and then do integration of the connections for presentation during presentation week

    What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

    To this day several tasks are already accomplished like, the construction of the housing of the heat box, the different test of electronic components, circuit desing and testing

    What has worked? what hasn't?

    so far the different module works very well the modules are we intergrated and eaach module is working very well only that well they are intergrated they tend to produce all alot of heat such that the the drying tends to cooking

    What questions need to be resolved?

  • what do i need to do to work in different environmental setting?
  • would it be dirrect to use?
  • How simple is it to the user ?
  • How do i get user input?
  • What will happen when?

    hoping to test this in a real life senario after the pandemic since most of the time working from home and vey limited access to in the lab

    What have you learned?

  • Time management is very important in a project this came through different classes and prototype development to final project
  • machining: increased the understing of 3 axis machining such as cnc milling, 3D printers vynyl cutter lasser cutter
  • Documentation: my documetation skills has improved from the day on to doing final project
  • production process and networking: this is through sourcing from people who have more knowledge of certain ares.
  • <<<<<<< HEAD

    Timelines are by the middle july am done with the project only testing work will be going on, depending with how much am allowed in thw lab broken timeline are as below

  • 1.Finish Electronic testing by end of june
  • start assembly beging of july
  • Finish mid july
  • =======

    Timelines are by the middle july am done with the project only testing work will be going on, depending with how much am allowed in thw lab, broken timeline are as below

  • 1.Finish Electronic testing by end of june
  • start assembly beging of july
  • Finish mid july
  • >>>>>>> cd808d8fb2e700afc8bee462a14b0b40261c1145